M2 Master Ecospire Alternative food sources for our future


  • Gerrit Behrens
  • Diro Baloska
  • Yosua Sentosa
  • Hasan Alkurdi


Carsten Busch


The first thing we thought about within the brainstorming for this project was:

• What do we want to communicate?
• Who is the target audience?
• How can we target this audience?

We answered those questions by communication with the product owners of the food4future-project. Food4Future (f4f) is a joint project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as a part of the “Agricultural Systems of the Future” programme. F4F does research on radical innovations for a sustainable and healthy nutrition.

After some brainstorming-sessions, together with the scientists from F4F, we agreed on recreating the experience of doing research on the optimal production environment for algae. This could be necessary in our food production processes in the future. F4F by themselves created two possible scenarios. They are called “No land” and “No trade”. Within our application we focused on the “No land”-Scenario.

It creates a picture of a possible future where the land used for producing food recourses is not usable anymore. This is due a dramatic change in climate conditions. But if our environment changes, we as humans must change too. At this stage the research of F4F pays off. In this scenario the cultivation of food resources in doors is necessary. If you want to learn more about these scenarios visit the website of food4future here.